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    Helpful Villagers Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10

    Updated: May 22, 2015 | 10,580 views |

    Chopping down trees too tedious for you? Keep getting lost in your own mines? Tired of farming crops for ungrateful pigs? Why not let those lazy villagers do the work while you sit back and reap the rewards? With Helpful Villagers you get to do just that and more!


    • Better Models ? Villager models now resemble player models, no more crossed arms and big noses.
    • More Interaction ? Villagers are no longer walking trading posts. Now clicking on a villager will bring up a set of commands that will make the villager follow the player, trade with the player, or change its profession.
    • Villager Inventory ? Villagers can now carry as many items as a small chest which the player can access at any time. Also, villagers can now equip functional and a held item which they use to perform certain tasks.
    • Working Professions ? Unlike in , a villager?s profession does more than just determine what type of items he can trade. Now not only do villagers perform complicated tasks based on their profession but they do them almost completely autonomously, just give them the tools to get the job done and leave the hard work to them!
    • Guild Halls – When a villager isn?t working he will return to his guild hall to resupply and store any items he has collected for you to pick up at your leisure.



    The lumberjack will look for and cut down trees, as well as plant saplings to keep forests replenished. Also,
    lumberjacks will never harvest any wood that?s inside a village so there?s no need to worry about him destroying

    The miner will find a spot outside the village then start digging downward in a spiral pattern to prevent possible
    dangers and also to allow easy access to the surface. Whenever the miner detects any ores nearby he will dig a
    side tunnel and mine them. Once he reaches the bottom he will climb back to the top and start another mine
    somewhere else

    The farmer will search the village for any wheat, carrot, potato, melon, or pumpkin farms. Once he finds one he
    will harvest all fully grown crops, replant new ones, then come back to check on them the next day.

    All villagers can be equipped with armor to protect them. Also, villager health now slowly regenerates over time.

    Guild Halls

    Soldiers and Archers

    A guild hall must be built before changing a villager?s profession. To build a guild hall you must first choose a building that has a door. Once you have the building you want place an item frame next to the door in any one of the places shown above then place an item corresponding to the profession you want the guild hall to be (for example, axe for lumberjack) on that item frame. Now you should be able to change the profession of your villagers.

    Mod Showcase:

    How to install:

    • Download and install .
    • Download the Helpful Villagers Mod from link below.
    • Go to .minecraft/mods folder. If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
      • Windows – Open the Start menu and select Run, or press the Windows key + R. Type (without quotes) “%appdata%\.minecraft\mods” and press Enter.
      • OS X – Open the Go menu in Finder and select “Go to Folder”. Type (without quotes) “~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/mods” and press Return.
    • Copy the downloaded jar (zip) file into the “mods” folder that opens.
    • Enjoy the mod.

    The Helpful Villagers mod is a great addition to the game to give you more out of your villages. Basically, when you find a new village it may be a good starting point for your own city or you can utilize it for trade.


    • Better Models – Villager models now resemble player models, no more crossed arms and big noses.
    • More Interaction – Villagers are no longer walking trading posts. Now clicking on a villager will bring up a set of commands that will make the villager follow the player, trade with the player, or change its profession.
    • Villager Inventory – Villagers can now carry as many items as a small chest which the player can access at any time. Also, villagers can now equip functional armor and a held item which they use to perform certain tasks.
    • Working Professions – Unlike in vanilla Minecraft, a villager’s profession does more than just determine what type of items he can trade. Now not only do villagers perform complicated tasks based on their profession but they do them almost completely autonomously, just give them the tools to get the job done and leave the hard work to them!
    • Guild Halls – When a villager isn’t working he will return to his guild hall to resupply and store any items he has collected for you to pick up at your leisure.


    Helpful Villagers Mod also add a very useful tool to Minecraft: the Guild Hall. It’s very important to give your new citizens jobs. You’ll need it to unlock jobs to assign your villagers. All you need to do is add a frame to any building with a door in the village.

    Mod Showcase:

    Then put the appropriate tool in the frame that corresponds to a specific job; i.e. axe for lumberjack, hoe for farmer, etc. Do this for each profession and you’ll be in business. If you right click a villager you will be able to assign any jobs that you have unlocked. After that you will need to either stock the guild with tools for your now employed villagers or manually give them equipment.

    How to install Helpful Villagers Mod:

    1. Download and install the correct .
    2. Run Minecraft once to ensure that Minecraft Forge is installed correctly. A Mods button should now be available in the main menu.
    3. Download a copy of the Helpful Villagers Mod jar (zip) and save it to the directory %appdata%/Roaming/.minecraft/mods . The mods directory is created by Minecraft Forge in the previous step.
    4. Run Minecraft and enjoy!

    Мод Helpful Villagers это отличное дополнение к стандартному Minecraft, в котором обычные жители деревень теперь будут более полезны для вас. Это мод на умных жителей для Майнкрафт 1.7.10. Обычно, если вы встречаете жителя, то место его жизни чаще всего является для вас стартовой точкой для развития деревни или города. Но проблема в том, что стандартные деревни в игре очень уж мирские и простые, и по сути бесполезные. Но с этим модом все может измениться. Теперь всем жителя деревни вы сможете присвоить профессии и навыки и они станут умными и будут приносить пользу вам.

    Основным аспектом мода Helpful Villagers является «Ратуша» (Guild Hall), она вам нужна для того, что открыть все профессии. А затем, чтобы дать жителю работу на стену дома, где есть входная дверь нужно поместить рамку, в эту рамку поместить, соответствующий его будущей работе, инструмент, к примеру, топор — лесоруб; мотыга — фермер и т.п. Проделайте такие манипуляции со всеми доступными профессиями и у вас будет прямо таки свое подсобное хозяйство или даже производство.

    Затем найдите праздно шатающегося жителя. Правый клик на нем и вы сможете назначить его на работы. А затем вам надо либо положить в ратушу достаточно инструментов всех типов или вручную раздавать эти самые инструменты каждому.

    После всего этого все назначенные жители отправятся каждый на свою работу. По началу будет казаться, что все идет очень медленно, но со временем под вашим началом будут фермеры, дровосеки, рыбаки, шахтеры и много других умных жителей. Почувствуйте себя феодалом или помещиком.

    И еще один важный момент. Теперь каждый житель в Майнкрафт с модом Helpful Villagers имеет свой собственный инвентарь. Это хорошо не только для того, чтобы они держали там все добытые ресурсы и вещи, но вы так же можете использовать это свободное место для своих целей, помещая туда нужные вам вещи, а потом попросите жителя следовать за вами у вас самоходящий сундук.

    Helpful Villagers Mod 1.10.2/1.9.4 is neatly crafted and designed in a very sophisticated manner. The functionality of this tool is really simple that it adds some Non playing characters similar to the Custom NPCs modification. Those characters are named as the villagers which are helpful in various ways. These NPCs are very active and assist in performing different tasks which are assigned to them.

    In addition to those characteristics they are possessing better models. The interaction from the villagers are quite impressive as well. Inventory is added to the npcs and similar to the small chest through which a player can maneuver any time. Professions are also enhanced in this series and fans can expect more flavor in the upcoming versions as well. So have fun playing this tool and let us know your feedback.

    Helpful Villagers Mod Minecraft Download 1.10.2/1.9.4/1.9

    For Minecraft 1.10.2 and 1.9.4 Not release yet. Comeback later.

    For Minecraft 1.7.10

    Release Date: 29th March, 2016
    Version 1.4.0b5
    File Size: 395 KB
    Supported version: Minecraft 1.7.10
    Download (Direct):

    Download (Curse):

    Helpful Villagers Mod 1.10.2/1.9.4/1.9 Method to Install

    Install Minecraft Forge by running the installer, and installing for client
    Put the downloaded files contents into the ‘mods’ folder.
    ‘mods’ folder can be found in your .minecraft folder.
    NOTE: You will have to open up the zip to see these jars and extract them to the .minecraft/mods folder.
    Always keep backup of Minecraft folder.
    Have fun playing this modification.

    Note: Fans have to keep patients in order to get the latest versions. The developers are working day and night to produce the bug free version and it take a certain time period to do so. The official version will be available online as soon as its release. So keep playing your favorite game and come here to get the latest updates.

    Minecraft an open-world game that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in an immersive environment where the only limit is your imagination.

    Mods are add-ons allow changes Minecraft"s game content from what it originally was. With Mods you can make your own world within Minecraft by programming a whole new set of rules and situations!

    • Updated on: May 7, 2016
    • Comments:
    • Newest File: Helpful Villagers v1.3.1
    • Release Type: Release
    • Supports: 1.7.10
    • License: All Rights Reserved

    Shop Related Products

    The is a great addition to the game to give you more out of your villages. Typically when you find a new village it may be a good starting point for your own city or you can utilize it for trade. But ultimately villages are pretty mundane in vanilla Minecraft. With this mod you can now give your villagers professions and skills in order to become self sustained.


    • Better Models – Villager models now resemble player models, no more crossed arms and big noses.
    • More Interaction – Villagers are no longer walking trading posts. Now clicking on a villager will bring up a set of commands that will make the villager follow the player, trade with the player, or change its profession.
    • Villager Inventory – Villagers can now carry as many items as a small chest which the player can access at any time. Also, villagers can now equip functional armor and a held item which they use to perform certain tasks.
    • Working Professions – Unlike in vanilla Minecraft, a villager’s profession does more than just determine what type of items he can trade. Now not only do villagers perform complicated tasks based on their profession but they do them almost completely autonomously, just give them the tools to get the job done and leave the hard work to them!
    • Guild Halls – When a villager isn’t working he will return to his guild hall to resupply and store any items he has collected for you to pick up at your leisure

    Go to (Quick links)

    The most important aspect in order to give your new citizens jobs is the Guild Hall. You’ll need it to unlock jobs to assign your villagers. All you need to do is add a frame to any building with a door in the village. Then put the appropriate tool in the frame that corresponds to a specific job; i.e. axe for lumberjack, hoe for farmer, etc. Do this for each profession and you’ll be in business.

    Then when you right click a villager you’ll be able to assign any jobs you’ve unlocked. After that you’ll need to either stock the guild with tools for your now employed villagers or manually give them equipment.

    Then once you’ve given out jobs and tools, your villagers will go to work. It may be slow going at first but eventually you’ll have people farming, fishing and mining for you.

    And one important aspect to this mod is that each villager has their own inventory. This is not only good for them to collect items they drop but you can also store your own excess inventory with them and then have them follow you around!

    Mod Spotlights:

    How to install:

    1. Install the version of Forge that corresponds with the mod (http://files.minecraftforge.net/ Choose the installer version of Forge)
    2. Download the Helpful Villagers Mod
    3. Drop the entire zipped file into your mods folder (Search %appdata% on your PC then go into .minecraft, then mods(create this folder if it is not there))
    4. Open Minecraft and make sure your profile is set to Forge
    5. Start Minecraft and enjoy!

    Download latest file:

    This Mod is made by WeaselMods , all credit to modder. Visit the for all info.